First and foremost: we are virtual. Where you need us, when you need us, how you need us, why you need us. Anytime. Anywhere. If you’re connected, so are we. We are the 24-hour convenience design store. The best part? We are here no matter where YOU are! At your office, and the local bistro, nestled in your cozies at home — we are fighting the good fight for you.
Whether the phone rings, an email comes in – there is a design Ninja lurking in the shadows waiting to conquer your project. No project is too small, no project is too large – we can dedicate a single fighter to you, or dedicate the entire clan to your project, as fast as you can shout "HI –YA!"
Just as it takes the perfect mastery of 18 skills to become a Ninja, so too does it take the mastery of many skills to become a Design Ninja! We excel in visualization, creativity, typography, digital design, color theory, web design, programming, layout and conversion, as well as print design. We apply these skills towards stellar branding, development, design, concepts, print, interactive, video, social media, and advertising. Skills alone do not a Ninja make. Oh no! There MUST also be experience to be an effective warrior. We boast over ½ century of combined fighting experience, utilizing and honing every single skill along the way.
We are here to increase your footprint, make your impression, set your gold standard as your business grows – digitally, in print, or both!

As Ninjas, we embrace many of the traditional ninja philosophies. We utilize all physical, mental, and spiritual energies available to us on a daily basis to best channel a wide array of talents and abilities.
The earth, wind, fire, and water are elements we employ to make yours the next success story.
We use the earth as our foundation, the launch pad from which we will project ourselves to the very edges of the universe to satisfy your needs.We use the wind to keep our ideas fresh and airy, as the sky truly is the limit.We use fire to inspire our passion for design and overcome any challenges what we face on your behalf.We use the mighty force and power of water to push our ideas to their conclusion.
Our Ninjas are here to polish your presence, enduring the trials of such an endeavor on your behalf…so you can be amazing in your own way each day. We are fast, efficient, and invisible. It is our goal to fulfill your needs in the simplest possible way. Our team is creative and inspired in all that we do.